Editorial Team

Chief Editor

Prof. Jaya Bishwal

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

E-mail: J.Bishwal@uncc.edu

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Prof. Andrej V. Plotnikov

Department of  Information Technology and Applied Mathematics,

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine

Email: a-plotnikov@ukr.net

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Academic Editors

Prof. Emeritus H. M. Srivastava

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

University of Victoria, Canada

Email: E-Mail: harimsri@math.uvic.ca, harimsri@uvic.ca

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9277-8092*


Dr. Sheng Zhang

School of Mathematics and Physics,

Bohai University, Jinzhou, China

Email: szhangchina@126.com

Profile link: NA


Dr. Nikolaos D. Bagis


Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece,

Email: nikosbagis@hotmail.gr

Profile link: NA


Prof. Palle E. T. Jorgensen

Department of Mathematics,

The University of Iowa, USA

Email: palle-jorgensen@uiowa.edu

Profile link: https://math.uiowa.edu/people/palle-jorgensen


Dr. Junjie Chen

Department of Electrical Engineering,

University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Email: junjie.chen@mavs.uta.edu, junjie.chenee@gmail.com

Profile link: https://mentis.uta.edu/explore/profile/junjie-chen

Short Biosketch


Dr. Radoslaw Jedynak

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics,

Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities, Poland

Email: jedynakr@pr.radom.pl, jedynakr@uthrad.pl

Profile link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Xingting Wang

Assistant Professor,

Department of Mathematics,

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Email: xingtingwang@lsu.edu,  wangxingting84@outlook.com, xingtingwang@math.lsu.edu

Profile link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Danilo Costarelli

Associate professor,

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,

University of Perugia, Italy

Email: danilo.costarelli@gmail.com, danilo.costarelli@unipg.it

Profile Link: https://www.unipg.it/personale/danilo.costarelli

Short Biosketch


Dr. Subramanian Vaithyasubramanian

Assistant Professor,

PG and Research Department of Mathematics,

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, India

Email: discretevs@gmail.com,  vaithyasubramanians@dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1252-902X

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56349666000

WOS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/A-5595-2017


Dr. Krasimir Yankov Yordzhev

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Email: yordzhev@swu.bg

Profile Link: https://ais.swu.bg/profile/yordzhev

Short Biosketch


Prof. Ruben Dario Ortiz Ortiz

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,

Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Email: rortizo@unicartagena.edu.co

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Megan M. Khoshyaran

Economics Traffic Clinic - ETC, Research Unit, Paris, France

Email: megan.khoshyaran@wanadoo.fr   

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Fethiye Muge Sakar

Associate Professor,

Department of Management,

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,

Dicle University, Turkey

Email: mugesakar@hotmail.com, muge.sakar@dicle.edu.tr

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3884-3957


Dr. Hamidah Ibrahim

Department of Computer Science,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Email: hamidah.ibrahim@upm.edu.my

Profile link: http://profile.upm.edu.my/hamidah.ibrahim/en/profail.html

Short Biosketch


Dr. Ozgur EGE

Associate Professor,

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,

Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

Email: ozgur.ege@ege.edu.tr, ege-ozgur87@hotmail.com

Profile Link: https://unisis.ege.edu.tr/researcher=ozgur.ege

Short Biosketch


Prof. Rakesh Prakash Tripathi

Department of Mathematics,

Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, India

Email: tripathi_rp0231@rediffmail.com, rp.tripathi@knit.ac.in

Profie Link: NA


Dr. Sakti Pada Barik

Department of Mathematics,

Gobardanga Hindu College, India

E-mail: spbarik1@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/zdKjRg

Short Biosketch


Dr. Cenap Ozel

Department of Mathematics,

King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia

Email: cenap.ozel@gmail.com 

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Sudev Naduvath 

Associate Professor, 

Department of Mathematics, Christ University, India

Email: sudev.nk@christuniversity.in

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/vbvdc2

Short Biosketch


Dr. Rekha Srivastava

Adjunct Professor,

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

University of Victoria, Canada

Email: rekhas@math.uvic.ca, rekhas@uvic.ca, rekhasrivastava@uvic.ca

Profile Link: http://www.math.uvic.ca/~rekhas

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7581-615X*


Dr. Halim Zeghdoudi

Departememt of Mathematics, 

Badji-Mokhtar University, Algeria

Email: hzeghdoudi@yahoo.fr, halimzeghdoudi77@gmail.com,


Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Prof. El-Sayed Mohamed Abo-Dahab Khedary

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,

South Valley University, Qena, Egypt  

Emails: sdahb@yahoo.com,  elsayed.khodeari@sci.svu.edu.eg

Scopus ID : 6506463679


Prof. Salah Boulaaras

Department of Mathematics,

Faculty of Science, College Of Sciences,

Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Email: S.Boularas@qu.edu.sa, saleh_boulaares@yahoo.fr

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1308-2159

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36994353700  


Past Editors


Note: We are thankful to all editors for their sincere help and support to develop this journal. All editors confirmed their joining in the board by email. Names of the remaining editors (if any) will be published soon.