Solution of Laplace Equation by Modified Differential Transform Method

R. S. M. Kularathna

Department of Physical Science, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

N. Kajan

Department of Physical Science, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

T. Jeyamugan

Department of Physical Science, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

S. Thilaganathan *

Department of Physical Science, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this paper, we applied the modified two-dimensional differential transform method to solve Laplace equation. Laplace equation is one of Elliptic partial differential equations. These kinds of differential equations have specific applications models of physics and engineering. We consider four models with two Dirichlet and two Neumann boundary conditions. The simplicity of this method compared to other iteration methods is shown here. It is worth mentioning that here only a few number of iterations are required to reach the closed form solutions as series expansions of some known functions.

Keywords: Differential transform method, elliptic partial differential equations, Laplace equation, iteration

How to Cite

Kularathna , R. S. M., N. Kajan, T. Jeyamugan, and S. Thilaganathan. 2024. “Solution of Laplace Equation by Modified Differential Transform Method”. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 20 (3):51-58.